About Us

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam massa lacus, consectetur vel erat in, vehicula suscipit orci. Vestibulum auctor dolor et felis eleifend, quis placerat arcu commodo. Sed varius quam sed eros elementum condimentum. Suspendisse pellentesque nunc sapien. Pellentesque eu dignissim est. Fusce orci diam, rhoncus in tempor in, tincidunt at nibh. Integer ac tortor at leo tempor tincidunt. Ut hendrerit, tortor sed semper consequat, felis purus consequat est, tincidunt molestie urna leo in est. Proin eu lacus quis turpis dictum accumsan. Fusce euismod et leo eget pellentesque. Nunc tempus mattis nibh, hendrerit pharetra nulla suscipit non. Proin sed fermentum velit. Praesent et urna eu elit dapibus commodo.

Praesent in facilisis lacus. Pellentesque vestibulum vitae arcu nec efficitur. Sed cursus quam mi, eu consectetur orci condimentum id. Mauris placerat, enim quis consectetur aliquet, lectus diam interdum augue, ac tempus eros mauris non diam. Maecenas vel suscipit erat. Fusce pellentesque risus ut justo posuere pretium. Sed consequat est felis, nec gravida velit molestie vel. Cras molestie vehicula turpis, sit amet sagittis massa maximus in. Duis laoreet condimentum semper. Nulla felis magna, rhoncus et hendrerit congue, ultrices eu magna. Integer nulla felis, facilisis a eros consectetur, molestie egestas lorem. Sed arcu nisi, tristique ac feugiat sed, placerat et dui. Proin nunc nisi, accumsan et nisi nec, porta hendrerit sem. Vivamus bibendum massa ante, at ultrices est molestie sed. Aenean nec porta lectus. Praesent euismod mattis enim id vestibulum.

Aims and Objects of the Council
  1. To spread the science of Electro- Homoeopathy system of Medicine in India and Abroad.
  2. To establish and run institution all over India for introducing Electro- Homoeopathy system of Medicine.
  3. To run Charitable Electro- Homoeopathy Hospitals, Dispensaries.
  4. To hold Examinations of Electro- Homoeopathy system of Medicine and provide certificates Diploma, Degree and Registration to the qualified Medical Practitioners.
  5. To hold seminar, Lecturers, debates, published articles, prepared by expert physician in the Electro- Homoeopathy system of Medicine for the benefit to students and medical practitioners in Electro- Homoeopathy system of Medicine.
  6. Organise free Electro- Homoeopathy medical camps for the promotion and development of Electro- Homoeopathy system of Medicine.
  7. Raise funds through grants, donations, loans etc. to fulfilment of aims and object of this organisation.
  8. To dissipate scientific knowledge and information aboutaspects and limitation of Electro- Homoeopathy system of Medicine for better understanding and awareness in a professional manner to the persons who are engaged in this system.
  9. To encourage scientific research and development of Electro- Homoeopathy system of Medicine.
  10. To publish a monthly , quarterly or yearly journal with the research development in the said system. The Editorial Board of the Journal shall be decided by the Executive Body.
  11. To improve the quality of the Electro- Homoeopathy system of Medicine.
  12. To incalculate sense of patriotism and service among the persons who are engaged in the Electro- Homoeopathy system of Medicine.
  13. To establish and maintain library and reading room for the general use of members and the public at large with the recent books on Electro- Homoeopathy system of Medicine.